Sophie DUTORDOIR has been CEO and Chairperson of the Management Committee of Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges (SNCB) since 2017.
After serving as spokesperson for several ministers and advisor to the Prime Minister of Belgium, she joined Electrabel (Engie Group) in 1990 as the head of Communications and Public Affairs. In 2003, she became a member of Electrabel’s Executive Board in charge of Marketing & Sales.
She became CEO of Fluxys and Fluxys LNG between 2007 and 2009, when she returned to Electrabel as CEO of the Energy Benelux & Germany division of GDF SUEZ (Engie Group).
Sophie DUTORDOIR is currently a director of SNCB, an independent director of Aveve, a director of the Donation Royale and a member of the Strategic Committee of the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (FEB).
She holds a degree in Romance Philology (Ghent University) and a diploma in Business and Financial Sciences (EHSAL). She has also completed the General Management program at CEDEP in Fontainebleau.